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Myth: Scrum Masters Must Attend the Daily Scrum

Daily Scrum

Many people believe that the Scrum Master must facilitate all Scrum Events in order to be effective. In reality, while the Scrum Master should ensure that the Daily Scrum takes place, they are not required to facilitate the meeting.

Here’s why. The Daily Scrum is a synchronization meeting for Developers, and no one else is required to attend. Scrum Masters might decide to facilitate the event if the Developers are struggling to maintain the timebox or need additional coaching. Especially for new Scrum Teams, the Scrum Master often facilitates all of the Scrum events.


But as Scrum Teams begin to become more self-managing, the Scrum Master may be able to step back from the Daily Scrum and allow Developers to self-manage. In fact, when I've fulfilled the Scrum Master accountability, I sometimes skip the Daily Scrum on purpose to encourage the team to run it themselves. This approach has consistently boosted their ownership of the event and enhanced their collaboration. When I come back, sometimes they have come up with a better way to run the event, which I appreciate.


The Daily Scrum should be useful for all parties. It is not a box to check and doesn’t need any particular facilitator. The goal is to make sure we are making progress towards the Sprint Goal and to remove any impediments.  There is no rule in the Scrum Framework for facilitating the meeting, but it must be useful. If you find that the Daily Scrum is getting stale, ask a different question at the Daily Scrum.

Scrum Day 2024

You are invited to Scrum Day Madison, this year's most innovative and collaborative Agile conference.

Bringing together thought leaders in Agile delivery, this event is educational, engaging, and fun. Whether you want to sharpen your skills, grow your network, or get inspired, Scrum Day is where you need to be.

This year's Scrum Day conference theme is Deliver Products with Value because it doesn’t matter how many tickets the team closes if they aren’t delivering the right thing.

 Scrum Day is on October 23 in Madison, Wisconsin. Don’t miss it!

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