Self-Organization Workshop
According to the 2020 Scrum Guide, Scrum teams are “self-managing, meaning they internally decide who does what, when, and how.” Self-managing teams can more easily adapt to changing situations, which promotes Empiricism and enables the Scrum team to deliver increased value to the organization while solving complex business problems.
In my experience, the most empowered Scrum teams not only decide who does what, when, and how, but they also control the structure and organization of the Scrum team itself.
It makes sense. Scrum Team members are responsible for delivering a Done increment each Sprint, so they are in the best position to decide how to organize and structure themselves.

Self-organization is a powerful motivator and can help Scrum Teams maximize their value delivery to the organization.
Some managers might find it scary to let go of organizational oversight, but those who do unleash their teams to deliver more value to the organization while also improving morale.
In this workshop, we will guide your Scrum team members through allowing them to select their own team structure. This workshop can be done in person or remotely and can include 100 or more participants, depending on the size of your product team.